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Archived Trainings

STD Lecture Series: Syphilis

From January 2024, the JHPTC’s Khalil Ghanem, MD, PhD discusses the rising rates of syphilis, microbiology, the many stages and types of syphilis and transmission in a lecture for the National STD Curriculum. Photos and tables illustrate clinical manifestations and then he reviews how to diagnose, treat, and prevent syphilis. 


Khalil Ghanem, MD, PhD discusses the rising rates of syphilis, microbiology, the many stages and types of syphilis and transmission. Photos and tables illustrate clinical manifestations and then he reviews how to diagnose, treat, and prevent syphilis.

Monkeypox Webinar Series

In November 2022, the the STD/HIV Prevention Training Center at Johns Hopkins and the Maryland Department of Health hosted a four-part webinar series on Monkeypox (MPX), including a clinical update, patient management, diagnosis, and vaccines.

Part 1: Clinical Overview of Monkeypox
In part 1 of this series, Matthew Hamill, MBChB, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Clinical Chief for STI at Baltimore City Health Department, offers a clinical overview of Monkeypox (MPX).
(Recorded November 7, 2022)
Part 2: My Patient has Monkeypox, Now What?
In part 2 of the series, Kelly Gebo, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins University, discusses treatment and clinical management of Monkeypox (MPX).
(Recorded November 8, 2022)
Part 3: Nuts and Bolts of Testing for Monkeypox
In part 3 of the series, Elizabeth Gilliams, MD, MSc, Medical Director for STI Services at the Baltimore City Health Department Sexual Health Clinics and a Clinical Associate at Johns Hopkins University, Division of Infectious Diseases, discusses the nuts and bolts of testing for Monkeypox (MPX).
(Recorded November 9, 2022)
Part 4: Monkeypox Vaccines
In part 4 of the series, Noreen Hynes, MD, MPH, DTMH, FIDSA, FASTMH, Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, discusses Monkeypox vaccines. (Recorded November 14, 2022)

Syphilis Update

This two-part webinar series on syphilis, geared toward healthcare providers in Virginia, was held on January 13, 2021.

Part 1
In part 1, Oana Vasiliu, MD, MS, Director of STD Prevention and Surveillance for the Virginia Department of Health, discusses syphilis epidemiology in the United States and Virginia, and Anne Rompalo, MD, Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, offers an overview of syphilis.
Part 2
In part 2, Jeanne Sheffield, MD, Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, discusses congenital syphilis, and Khalil Ghanem, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, discusses syphilis complications, unusual presentations, and clinical gray areas.