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Course List

We offer affordable clinical training for healthcare providers in the public and private sectors who offer reproductive and sexual health services. We offer a variety of courses, including, STD intensive courses, Brightfield and Darkfield microscopy, lab methods training, patient exam classes, webinars, and more. We can also bring trainings directly to providers in our service area when need and demand merits as well as design specialized training to address emerging needs. You can download a full course list, along with more details about our faculty and facilities, as well as browse our courses below.

Multi-Day Courses—STIs

This five-day course is open to clinicians offering STI services.  The curriculum includes didactic presentations by experienced faculty; one day of experiential training in laboratory techniques; one clinical day with a preceptor; and, “hands-on” training in a directed sexual/reproductive health examination by genital teaching associates. 

Class size is limited to 8-10 participants. Continuing Education is provided.

Class schedule is set annually. 

There is a fee for this course. Please contact us for details.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

This three-day course is open to clinicians offering STI services.  The curriculum includes didactic presentations by experienced faculty on various STI, HIV and emerging topics. 

This class is limited to 14 participants in person. Number of participants not limited to didactic course online.

There is a fee for this course. Please contact us for details

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

This is a three-day course is offered to staff that see various clients who may have an STI in various settings.  This course has didactic as well as discussion with participants.  The target audience is nurses, social workers, outreach workers, health aides, phlebotomists, clerical and administration. 

This class is limited to 14 participants in person. 

There is a fee for this course. Please contact us for details.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

Laboratory Courses

This one-day course is offered to clinicians to assist them in identifying wet mounts (BV, candidiasis and trichomonas) under a microscope correctly. This is taught by our lab consultant. 

Class size is limited to 10 participants. 

There is a fee for this course. Please contact us for details.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

This half-day course is open to clinicians, medical technicians and others who are responsible for performing Darkfield Microscopy. To successfully complete the class, participants will be required to accurately identify Treponema pallidum, the agent that causes syphilis, under a dark field using accepted microscopy techniques. The class is offered as both introductory and a refresher.

Class size is limited to 10 participants. Continuing Education is provided.

Schedule by request with two scheduled annually; space still available. 

There is a fee for this course. Please contact us for details.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

This training will introduce the participant to Brightfield and Darkfield Microscopy and assist the clinician in making a better diagnosis for their patients. Our activity will address the need by identifying various unknowns correctly using the microscope. There will be a lab consultant who will assist participants in properly identifying the unknown specimens.

This course is offered to all providers who do this diagnostic already. This course will enhance those skills. This training will also introduce Darkfield Microscopy, training providers on how to use the microscope properly as well as how to correctly identify the specimen on the slide. 

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

  1. Identify Point of Care Test (POCT) options for common STIs.
  2. Demonstrate proper techniques in the use of selected POCTs for STIs.

Professional practice gap and knowledge is in identifying what current FDA-approved POCTs for STDs are available and how to perform these tests. Our activity will address the need by introducing POCTs for STDs that are currently available, demonstrating how selected POCTs for STDs are performed, and having participants identify various unknowns correctly, using selected POCTs under laboratory supervision. There will be a lab consultant assisting participants in properly identifying the unknown specimens.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

This course reviews the various tests available for extra genital screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia by provider as well as by patient.  It is recommended all sites are tested if exposed.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

Patient Exam Courses

This one-day course is offered to NPs and PA students to learn how to do a good STD clinical examination on male and female patients. This includes hands-on examination experience with live models didactic presentations by experienced faculty.

Class size is limited to 10 participants in person.

There is a fee for this course. Please contact us for details.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.


This is a 2-3 hour course is offered to NPs or PAs that need experience in doing a good male STD clinical exam. This includes hands-on examination experience with live models didactic presentations by experienced faculty. 

Class size is limited to 10 participants in person. 

There is a fee for this course. Please contact us for details.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

STIs and HIV—One day or less

To increase the awareness of trends in STI morbidity in our catchment area* and to offer training in clinical care, medical management and diagnosis, behavioral techniques and partner management activities to clinical health care providers, utilizing didactic methods, presenting the most current information, and implementing research findings regarding STIs.

We will discuss the transmission, symptoms, tests available and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

Class size is limited due to the venue.

No charge for this course.  Continuing education is available.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

*DC, DE, KY, MD, PA, TN, VA, WV and surrounding areas

Update on STDs and HIV for healthcare workers.  This program could be a 1-4 hour program. We can bring the training to your agency. 

Topics available: STI Update, Syphilis Update, GC/CT Update, Sexual Health Assessment, STI Treatment Guidelines.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

Topics covered: CDC PrEP Guidelines, Major PrEP studies, PrEP MSM and Adolescents, PrEP and Women, STIs and Extra genital Screening, Patient Adherence, Risk Reduction, Paying for PrEP, and Sexual History Taking. 

CE is available and we can bring the training to your agency.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

This one-day conference will focus on the integration efforts that support a collaborative healthcare approach. Current medical updates in services for STIs, HIV, TB, hepatitis, family planning, and addictions will be discussed. Experts in the field will discuss what is new in that specialty. 

Class size is limited due to the venue. 

No charge for this course. CE is available and we can bring the training to your agency.

Not currently scheduled. Please contact us to request this course.

This 1-2 hour activity will increase knowledge in STI and HIV of the various clinical staff who attend. We offer an informal needs assessment of all staff to find out what other topics of interest they are interested hearing.

CE credit is available.